Sunday, September 24, 2006

@ Whalf ~ Half Moon Bay ~

These photos are a bit old. I took those photos when I went to Half Moon Bay, CA in the beginning of this month. They are all digital and taken with 30mm/F1.4 Sigma lens. What I like about this lens is that it creats very soft focus images when I wide open the aperture....(F1.4). It was a cloudy day but I could take quite good images.

[Digital | 30mm/F1.4 | photographed 09.09.2006]

[Digital | 30mm/F1.4 | photographed 09.09.2006]

[Digital | 30mm/F1.4 | photographed 09.09.2006]

[Digital | 30mm/F1.4 | photographed 09.09.2006]

[Digital | 30mm/F1.4 | photographed 09.09.2006]

[Digital | 30mm/F1.4 | photographed 09.09.2006]

[Digital | 30mm/F1.4 | photographed 09.09.2006]


Blogger Sophie said...

I like black and white...
Beautiful pics...

1:11 PM  
Blogger Sophie said...

Nasa Studio is in my links...
I like your work...

1:12 PM  
Blogger nasa said...


thanks for the comment and link!
I really appreciate it.
keep in touch.


1:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow I decided to get 30/1.4 lens because of your images !

9:19 AM  
Blogger nasa said...


Thanks for the comment!
Yeah, it's a relly good lens and works so fine for me.
I think it's my most favorite lens.
The lens is very bright because the max aperture is F1.4.
This is very good when you take photos indoor.

- nasa

3:18 AM  

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